Solutions to fit your business

Public platforms such as websites, social media, mobile apps are used every day to conduct business and engage digitally. But these same platforms are being weaponized by attackers.
NothingPhishy safeguards organizations from attacks across majority of global public platforms. By continuously analysing a large set of digital channels, NothingPhishy’s AI-powered Platform identifies malicious attacks such as phishing, fake apps, or social media impersonations, and takes them down before they cause financial and reputational damage.
Explore the use cases below to learn more about the challenges that different industries face and how we empower organizations to overcome them.

Solution By Threat

Phishing is a pernicious and prevalent threat that remains an effective way to gain access to organizations’ resources. It continues to be the mainstay of the cybercrime ecosystem with techniques becoming more sophisticated, volumes increasing and more brands targeted. It has become a major challenge for any business transacting via electronic channels.
Nothingphishy employs a variety of proprietary techniques and methodologies to provide robust Anti Phishing Solution. It provides real time monitoring of clients' brands to provide pre-attack intelligence and pro-active detection. It also provides fast takdown service which will disrupt phishing attacks by by finding and stopping the malicious URL.
Brand infringement Protection
Online brand abuse varies from unintentional brand misuse to significant malicious intent, Copyright and Trademark infringement, intellectual property theft and corporate identity theft. Online Brand abuse can result in major reputational damage, dilution of the business message, corporate identity theft and lost revenue.
Nothingphishy provides business visibility and management across their digital footprint and enable a range of responses against brand infringement and reputational risks. Our security analysts have a great deal of experience in negotiation with third parties across the globe to resolve the most complex or disputed cases of brand misuse and fraud associated with client brands.
Mobile Apps Protection
Mobile Apps are available from trusted stores , some not so trusted marketplaces, and also from websites on the internet. Rogue, Unofficial, Unauthorised, Malicious Mobile Apps provide an alternative avenue for cyber fraud attacks. Such mobile Apps can be used to deliver malicious payload, which will create a negative experience for the end user and damage on the brand’s reputation.
Nothingphishy provides a comprehensive monitoring solution to detect fake Mobile Apps. It also mitigates the risk by fast removing the fake Apps from various app stores and websites. Early detection and removal will minimise the number of downloads and ultimate abuse of the brand.
Social Media Protection
Almost every business and individual in the world has a social media presence. Leveraging the certain level of anonymity on social media platforms, cyber criminals can easily set up fake or duplicate media accounts, readily establish trust and act in a fraudulent manner. Scams often lead the disclosure of several types of sensitive information, including proprietary company data, personal information, and banking credentials – leading to brand or personal reputation damage.
Nothingphishy uses a range of techniques and tools to reach beyond normal vendor APIs and the monitoring platforms correlate a volumes of data from multiple source and other detection suites to provide the most comprehensive detections. The detection results will be validated and investigated by our experienced analysts before the mitigation process is initiated to expeditiously remove offending content. Furthermore, Nothingphishy has a unique capability to cover most Chinese social media platforms, from both detection and takedown perspective.
VIP Protection
Company executives and celebrities face increasing cybercrime risk as they are high visibility and high value, attracting a range of threats including data leakage, impersonation attacks, and physical harm. A duplicate social media account can propagate malicious and false messages which may cause harm to not only an individual but also the business brand and even the industry or market.
Nothingphishy employs a variety of services and data correlations, keyword heuristics, including multiple languages, and reverse image-based detections across a broad range of platforms and online repositories. Automated scanning are then followed by human validation. Actionable intelligence will be then passed on to the our security operation team to pursue the mitigation.
False Positive Prevention
Nowadays, we’re relying on Security programs(Antivirus etc. ) to protect ourselves from malicious threats. However, the security programs can be wrong sometime, and they may incorrectly identify legitimate website or harmless files as malicious, when the flagged websites or files are representing business from digital perspective, the false positive will negatively impact the business reputation. False detections are often seen in mobile app development industry, especially when a mobile app integrates with 3rd party SDK(s).
Working closely with over 70 AntiVirus companies globally, NothingPhishy provides a comprehensive monitoring service to alert business when their digital assets such as mobile apps and URLs are flagged by one of these security vendors. More importantly, Nothingphishy enables an effective communication channel with the security vendor to have the false detection rectified.
Data Leakage Detection
Leaks of intellectual property, proprietary code, personal data, or financial information are almost a daily occurrence in the news cycle. Organizations are applying controls to prevent sensitive data from being breached, and what they would need to know more is what data is already exposed online and mitigate as fast as possible.
NothingPhishy continually monitors for exposed data across online file stores, code repositories, paste sites, also darkweb forums and marketplaces. For every detection, Nothingphishy provides rich context that enables organization to make better decisions and mitigate the risk by removal of exposed data, faster.
Online Piracy has been an increasing threat for companies in the TV, music, software, gaming and film industries. Without effective controls, business may face trust issues from their suppliers or investors, lost revenue and brand reputation damage.
NothingPhishy provides business with a unique combination of proprietary technology, data intelligence and cyber expertise to detect and defend against online piracy occurring around the world. The solution ensures the best antipiracy strategies are in place for consistent protection of digital content and delivers key insights into how piracy trends are developing.

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